Meet our Current Partners
At Emmaus we think that part of seeing Denver transformed by the beauty of the gospel is partnering with others already at work! We want to take Jesus prayer for believers to be unified, meaning we want to see transformation as a community endeavor in our city and beyond. Whether it's a relationship with another local church, non-profit ministry, or national/global network of churches we are committed to living on mission alongside others.

DCC says, "Denver Counseling & Coaching is a practice that works alongside of individuals and couples, helping them to gain a biblical worldview amidst intense trouble and opportunity. Each counselor and coach's desire is to direct clients toward lasting change, purpose, and true fulfillment."
To learn more, visit their website here.

In their words, "Project 1.27 is a place where deep faith and a huge vision come together to fulfill the Christian's responsibility to care for kids in foster care."
To learn more about Project 1.27 and for ways you can get involved you can visit their website here.

Their mission says, "Bridge of Hope is a ministry dedicated to ending homelessness all across the country." They work specifically with those who are most at risk, specifically single mothers and their children.
To learn more about Bridge of Hope, check out their Denver website here.

In their words, "International Students, Inc. exists to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others."
To learn more about ISI you can look them up here.

As they would say, "The mission of the Church Cooperative of Denver is to maximize kingdom impact by creating an interdependent network of relationships among like-minded church leaders to facilitate ongoing collaboration and multiplication among churches in the city."
To learn more, see other churches that participate, visit them here.
Meet our Potential Partners
These are ministries or networks that we are in conversation with, getting to know, but not official affiliated with. We thought it would be worthwhile for you to still get to know them either way!

Soma says, "We’re a family of churches. We make disciples, strengthen one another, and plant churches of Missional Communities towards Gospel Saturation…until every man, woman, and child has a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed." If you have been around very long at Emmaus then you will find that a lot of our model for ministry and language around our Gospel Communities comes from Soma and their Saturate resources . We are currently walking through the church adoption process to possibly belong to their family of churches officially.
To learn more, check them out here.