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Meet the Elders & Deacons of Emmaus Church Denver!

Leadership at Emmaus

At Emmaus Church we believe in the offices of Elders and Deacons for word-centered church leadership. While our Elders watch over doctrine and pastoral care, our Deacons serve specific non-doctrinal needs for our community.


Aaron and Bridget Sanford

Aaron Sanford

Aaron and Bridget met in 2008 under some interesting circumstances, but in God’s good providence He brought them both to Omaha, Nebraska for Bridget’s graduate work. There they were both converted and made part of the family of God. At that time, Bridget was brand new to Christianity, but Aaron had been raised in a small Christian private school in Texas. While in Omaha, the Lord would form and shape Aaron and Bridget through both education and suffering.

Since 2014, Aaron and Bridget have been involved at Emmaus Church. They began serving in children’s ministry before Aaron was confirmed as an elder in 2017. In late 2019, Aaron was asked to be brought on as a staff pastor and has since become our primary teaching pastor in 2020.

After almost twelve years of marriage, including some painful trials while trying to become parents, Aaron and Bridget are currently pursuing Foster care. In their downtime they enjoy restaurants, breweries, biking, and reading a good book.

Cole and Anna Baldock

Cole Baldock

Cole serves Emmaus as an Elder. He and his wife Anna moved here from College Station, Texas in 2011. When he is not working or serving at Emmaus in pastoral needs, you can find him somewhere in the outdoors with a fly rod in his hand. If you love plants, you and Anna will have plenty to talk about. Cole and Anna lead our Downtown GC.

Ben, Sarah, and Maeva Menge

Ben Menge

Ben grew up in Missouri and Oklahoma, but has Colorado in his blood from his dad's side of the family. He serves Emmaus as our Worship Pastor. In his spare time, he enjoys photography and playing a variety of instruments. Ben and Sarah have been married since 2014, and they are parents to Maeva and one on the way! They love supporting local restaurants, hanging out with the international students Sarah works with, and taking camping trips.


Kelsey, Dabraham, and Quinn Searcy

Kelsey Searcy

Kelsey grew up in Springfield, Missouri. She serves Emmaus as our Administrator. She helps us keep the ship afloat by helping with financial administration, coordinating the Sunday Gathering volunteer schedule, and facilitating serving opportunities. She loves spending quality time with friends within the community, and is always happy to share her husband's ability to whip up gourmet meals regardless of what's in the kitchen!


As a leadership team, we see the value in the wisdom of age and experience. To this end, we have Advisors that we have built relationships with to lean on and speak into situations where we feel their age, experience, and qualifications are beneficial to our team. These men are not Elders or members of Emmaus, but are rather advisors and mentors giving guidance as we grow and mature as a church.

Kent Barber


Want to connect?

Know that you have had a chance to get to know us, we would love to get to know you! We would love to meet you on a Sunday morning at our gathering or connect one on one. You can head over to our Sunday Gatherings page to plan a visit or fill out our connect card to get in touch with us ASAP!