Summer Recap
OK, it has been a minute Emmaus.
We haven't sent out an Emmaus Epistle since May because as you know, we have been busy! Where do we even begin? Well, we moved! We had our last Sunday at Sterling Event space on Sunday June 18th. So much happened in that space for us, it was a super nostalgic time for all of us I think. Even though we moved on from a space we loved, we arrived at Scum to an amazing partnership over these last couple of months.
Not only have we been sharing the space, but the classroom too. It has been encouraging to see folks from Emmaus and Scum come together every Wednesday to learn and grow in spiritual practices together. Not just learning together but we have been sharing in the teaching too, how cool! We have also shared prayer together during our Potluck & prayer nights. I can say for myself, I have been humbled by what God has been doing to form our little communities together around these things.
That’s not where the encouragement ends though! There have been tons of opportunities to love and serve and bring good to others the last couple of months. Folks, coming around the Clarkin’s as Bekah recovers from surgery, celebrating a gender reveal with the Longabaugh’s, married off Jesse and Heather, had opportunities to serve our friend Deana who graduated from Bridge of Hope, the Menge’s getting to host a neighborhood fourth of July party to connect with more neighbors; the list goes on.
Another note on bringing good is the good news from the Hilner’s, our missionary partners to Liberia. They are officially all set to move by September 14th to begin their work on the ground in Liberia. So be praying for good to use them to bring good to the people there!

Financial Update
Below you’ll find some important dates coming up, but Aaron wanted to squeeze in a quick financial update.
Overall financial things have been great for us since moving to Scum. With our current level of giving and expenses, we could operate well into the next decade. We’re super thankful to be in this position and want to think about how we can continue to honor God with the resources he’s so abundantly blessed us with. We also want to prepare for the future. As a step in that direction, the elders have decided to voluntarily give $500 a month to Scum of the Earth for their partnership. We know free rent isn’t wise to budget on forever, and we want to encourage our friends who have been so kind to us. This isn’t asked for or required by them, but it’s a way the elders (and FTM) believe we can prepare for the future, maintain our financial stability, and continue to build our partnership with Scum.
Calendar Items & Announcements
Man Camp is August 25-27 you can sign up with what you need/can provide for others here: Link.
Emmaus is attending the CCU Church Fair on August 24th in the afternoon. If you want to come with and meet some college students who might be interested in attending and serving at Emmaus let Ben know.
Gospel Community Rhythms will start back up on Wednesday, September 13th. We will be following the same rhythms as we were with the Pathways but returning to more bible study/sermon reflection for weeks 1 & 3. Week 2 will still be Others/connection week and Week 4 will remain a Prayer night.
Speaking of Prayer Nights, through some discussion and feedback, we have decided to drop the Potluck portion of these nights. We want everyone to be as uninhibited as possible to be able to come without worrying about providing food or rushing over from work so starting in September, we are dropping the potluck and changing the start time from 6 to 7pm.
The Emmaus Women’s Retreat is September 15-17th in Winter Park. Jessie from Scum of the Earth will be heading up the teaching/discussion so some Scum ladies might be joining this year too! More details to come!
These last couple of months have been packed, but so rich. Like I said, I have been humbled by what God has done to bring our two churches together and how the Spirit continues to work in our community as we love and serve each other and others outside the community. I am excited to get that donut art hung soon to have that reminder, that Ebenezer from the last season, and all the more curious as to what is to come in this one.
Love you guys,
Ben Menge
Worship Pastor